Does Fitbit Have Lithium Battery?

While Fitbit trackers are famous for many things, a good battery life is not one of them. Even though a case can be made when compared to the likes of what the Fossil Gen series presents, Fitbit at least has a respectable battery life, although it is still not very great.
However, if truth be told, you can pick any smartwatch released in the last two years and there’s a 90% chance it won’t have a great battery life either. So, this issue that remains present in the Fitbit world is not inherent to Fitbit manufacturing; it is inherent to the smartwatch world. The primary reason for this is one and only: lithium-ion battery.
Does Fitbit Work With Supernatural App?

Fitbit has been in the fitness industry for a long time now. Over the years they have seen both highs and lows. Which is probably the reason why today the name Fitbit is familiar for anyone with little interest in fitness regimes. Fitbit trackers are great source of capturing the quality data and then projecting it back with brilliant insights.
However, just cause Fitbit has this long history of being in the game, it doesn’t mean that Fitbit has not made its fair share of mistakes. It has and it is still making one. Yes we are indeed talking about the eerie relationship between the Fitbit and the new VR Fitness application Supernatural. Let’s discuss.
Does Fitbit Cause Joint Pain? Let’s Find Out!

Fitbit trackers are great for every day workouts and keeping in touch with the vitals of your physical body. With any one of it on your hand and you can access loads of information about yourself. However, there is a price which has to be paid for this, and no it is not the one you would have to pay with actual money. While wearing Fitbit, it has been noticed by many people that they began to develop pain in different parts of their body – mostly the area near or around the joints.
Leading many to wonder are Fitbit trackers safe? Because as far as Fitbit is concerned there has never been an official word about it. Which leaves the room for explanation and question: does the Fitbit tracker harm our joints and cause the pain? Or can it do it if we keep wearing it for a long time?
Does Bluetooth Need To Be Open For Apple Watch?

Apple Watches can accomplish a great deal of things for you. Ever since the first one has hit the market back in 2015 they have become the trend setter for the industry. From tracking your AFib to the accurate depiction of heart rate using ECG these small watches presents an amazing opportunity for elevating the lifestyle of a common man.
However, do you know that in order for an Apple Watch to work properly it needs to have some sort of connection with your iPhone. Which means there must be a medium in between to mediate for this connection, and quite often than not, that medium is what we call Bluetooth.
Does Waze Work With Apple Watch?

Heading somewhere but not sure about the direction? Well, here comes the entry of maps. Now since it is not exactly thirteen century and we don’t have actual maps in hand, there is something we actually does have and that is digital map apps. The most common of which are these two: Google Maps made and develop by Google and Apple Map created by the brilliant minds at the Apple.
However, do you know there is another navigation app by the name of Waze which people often uses? If not, well in short time we will introduce you to Waze, but meanwhile try to understand this unlike the other two options, Waze is built around a community of dedicated people who work 24/7 to update the Waze servers. The interesting thing about all of this is that you can also become that person just by downloading the Waze app!
Are Popglory Smart Watches Worth Your Money?

There is no doubt that smartwatch market in todays time is saturated. It is not like smart ring industry where there is still only handful of companies dedicated to the craft. No. Every year we hear about someone new entering the space trying to do what they best can. Which even though is not always successful for them, for those of us who cares about their wrist friends it is important to stay updated.
As such is the case with Popglory. Not widely popular at this moment this smartwatch manufacturer is the one which is quietly stealing limelight and customers. Reasonably priced with spades of features to provide, Popglory is certainly heading for a glorious future444 however the question is does it deserve that? If not why?
Do Amazon Firesticks Go Bad When Old?

Amazon might be the biggest online store with the largest share in Ecommerce market. They are not just a marketplace for online shoppers anymore. In last few years Amazon has also developed different set of factions which deals with physical products produced, market, and distributed by Amazon. One of them being the infamous Firestick.
For those who are not aware what is Firestick just hang on a minute we will get to that, as for those who knows, we know why you are here. Therefore to ease your mind and help you make the right decision here is everything you need to know about the Amazon Firesticks and if they really go bad under posted time limit!
How To Change Alarm On Shark Watch?

Shark Watches are not like Apple Watches or Fitbit Trackers. They are also very different from the likes of Bellabeat and WHOOP. There is no need to spend thousands of dollars to get one, and certainly, there is no requirement which needs a subscription. They are simple solutions for casual customers who want an elegant solution for timepiece.
However, just cause you are settling for simplicity that doesn’t mean you cannot hope for a little more. When we say little more we don’t mean RHR tracking or working temperature sensors, no. Our focus is on menial features like Alarm which a Shark Watch handles pretty well. As we will try to teach you today on how to set up an Alarm on your Shark Watch and how to do it within 2 minutes.
How To Change Time On Shark Watch?

Shark Watch might not be a smartwatch like Apple or Fitbit it is a watch and today we want to talk about it. So, before your minds imagine it as a child’s plaything let us stop you there. Shark Watch is not intended for children though you can gift to your toddler if you want him to learn something about responsibility.
Shark Watch is simply a watch which despite its lack of overall flair does what a watch should do: it tells you time and it tells you time right. Unlike the smartwatches it has also no strings attached. Meaning there is no need to charge it after every 2 days. However, to use it properly you should know how to set time on it and this is what we are going to teach you today!!!
How To Set Up Justice Smart Watch?

Smartwatches market is saturated and there is no other way to put it. Over the last few years many new players have entered the field and though it is fair to say that they couldn’t reach the bare minimum level to be called a quality production, they are here. They serve a real audience and that audience sometimes need more help than what is provided by them.
Which is why today we are going to teach you how you can set up your new Justice smartwatch easily. Given the lack of information and little to limited customer support I’ve seen many who have bought this smartwatch struggling. But certainly not anymore. Not from today because today is the day that justice is served.
How To Change Apple Watch Ringtone?

Apple Watches are heads and shoulder above the others in smartwatch world, and there is a reason why. Apple has been dominant force in the tech world for so long now that it has began translating in their continued success in other aspects apart from the iPhone.
Just recently Apple has unveiled their two latest Apple Watches project and without any delay they sky rocketed to millions of arms. However, despite the strong position that Apple Watches holds there has been occasion when we are left to wonder: why? Why has Apple not worked on this thing yet? One such thing is the matter of ringtones, and today we are going to discuss everything you should know about Apple Watches and the ringtones you can use on them!
Does Oura Ring Have GPS? They Should Right?

Oura Rings are the new norm for the wearable industry. Even though it has been almost a decade now since the first Oura Ring was released, given the niche audience for which they are made it has been difficult to capture the right people’s attention. In any event now that a prolong period of time has passed Oura has began to rise up the ranks which means more people are buying it.
Although, since more and more people are investing their money in these little devices it is common now to see that more questions about these rings are being asked? With one which holds a great importance is: does these (Oura Rings) have the GPS? If not, why not? and if so, why so?
How To Reset ANY TYPE Of Oura Ring In 2 Mins?

For those who are seeking to buy their next wearable our suggestion to them would be to take a look at Oura Rings. Granted they are not very common at this point neither a household name like others, the ability of these smart ring is far beyond what you and I could’ve imagined. For sure it would be lunacy to suggest that they are similar to likes of what Apple has produced in this year – Ultra 2 or Series 9. It wouldn’t be wrong to suggest either that Oura Ring can compete with Apple’s line-up.
However, just like all the watches and the rings an Oura Ring can also find itself in trouble and it is at this stage when we began to hunt for a solution. You are trying to monitor your heart rate but your ring is unresponsive? You want to see sleep stats but they haven’t been updated? In these cases the best course of solution is to reset the Oura Ring. How you can do it is all what we are going to talk about today!
Does Oura Ring Track Steps? Perhaps They Do!

Oura Rings might seem like a sci-fi device to many the truth is that they are not. They are as real as are you and me. Which means that you can buy them and you can use them for various tasks. However, given they are made for the tracking and keeping in touch with your body or if we are more specific – they are meant to provide insights regarding your physical status. It is no surprise that people often wonder can Oura Ring track steps?
After all, steps are the most basic and easy to monitor physical stat. It is not like blood pressure or AFib tracking which requires heavy duty algorithm and sensors at the back. Keeping the track of steps is pretty and easy which means Oura should’ve done it right? Well, you are about to find out!
ITECH Fusion 2 Smartwatch: Yay Or Nay?

World of smartwatches is never ending one. Every day you come across a new brand and a new smartwatch claiming to be master of all. Is it true that most of the time it’s just a marketing ploy to get new customers? Yes. But is it also true that sometimes there is a little truth behind the grand gestures? Well, yeah!
While like many before it ITECH Fusion 2 smartwatch happens to provide every living feature under the sunlight there is an argument about its usefulness. More so if you happen to someone who is at look out for an affordable smartwatch that can help you get started.
5 Top Toughest Smartwatches You Should Get In 2024!!!

Smartwatches comes in all sorts of shapes and sizes so the general question now is not what they can do, but it’s what you want them to do! Which means that if you are planning to go for a hike in coming days and you are wondering to get a tough and rugged wrist companion then you are indeed at the right place.
Although, that is not to say that it is always necessary that you have to use tough looking smartwatches for outdoor purposes. Some people just prefer their hard and strong. In any event today we have picked the 5 top toughest appearing smartwatches that you must explore in 2024. Also don’t worry we have included the consideration for price tag so you will find your match soon.
Can Fitbit Track BBT (Basal Body Temperature)?

Fitbit trackers are known for many things. However, one thing which unites them under the one banner is certainly the manner in which Fitbit conducts their business: by providing quality analysis. Then it doesn’t matter which and what kind of Fitbit tracker you are using, almost all of them share the similar trait.
The same can be said about the specific metric you are trying to monitor closely. The new generation of Fitbit trackers are more accurate and precise yet the working remains the same. Which means that if you were trying to track your BBT (Basal Body Temperature) using Fitbit in 2015 then you wouldn’t have to jump a hoop to figure out it in 2024. Not a big one at least.
Are Smart Watches Harmful To Health? Let’s See!

Smartwatches have become an integral part for many of us. They can track your heart rate, they can tell you how well you slept last night, the likes of Apple & Samsung watches are even able to monitor your stress. Honestly, there is no telling where the limit lies with each day dawning with a new improved feature the future seems only bright.
However, just cause these little devices can move the world and give you accurate insights about your body that doesn’t mean there are not concern regarding them. Many people actually feels that when they have their smartwatches on them they are left with this burden on their wrist. Something which forces them to ask the question are the smartwatches we all love and adore actually harmful to our health?
Can Oura Rings Vibrate To Wake You Up?

If a person who was born centuries ago could see Oura Ring today he will surely think of it as a magical ring forged from the dying star. One which usually children are told about in stories. Unfortunately, for us who belongs from 21st Century Oura Ring is nothing but another shiny tech device which can tell you when to sleep. However, just because we are living in the era dominated by the tech it doesn’t mean that what these rings can do is any less special.
Despite what might appears to be your Oura Ring is a powerful fitness tracker able to track, monitor and analyze various aspects of your physical body. So much so that people use these to go to sleep. Interestingly that is also where the one important question is asked the most: can these little smart device able to vibrate? If so for what? And if not why not?
Does Apple Watches Have Hotspot? They Should!

Apple Watches have a long history of making the impossible come true. Despite being around for just 8-9 years they have comfortably displaced the Fitbit from the top and today sits as the king of wearable market. Or at least crowned champions of smartwatches world.
However, in spite the greatness that these little devices on your hand has achieved there has been issues or two with them in past. Which as a result has left many of those who owns these smartwatches in doubt and turmoil. Therefore to ease the pains of yesterday we have decided today to look back at the burning role of Hotspot with your Apple Watch. Does it work? Does it not? Let’s find out right now!
How Apple Watches Detect AFib? Key Difference!

On surface Apple Watches might seem like smartwatches with little to offer apart from the common walk-talk stuff, there is more to them. Crafted with intention to aid its user in receiving insights about their body which are otherwise difficult to acquire, Apple has set up an ideal system within these smart devices. So much so that today they are able to even detect the AFib as well as generate report and suggest you on what to do next.
However, the question we are drowning ourselves into is how does it work? How can a smartwatch with so little room be able to not only detect the irregular pattern but be sure of what and how it is being noticed. If so, then what is it that makes it a valuable tool to have in one’s wrist.
How Many Apple Watches Are There? Latest From 2024

Released in 2015 Apple Watches have been in firm control of smartwatch market for almost a decade now. A dominance which further tightened its grasp when Fitbit fell into misery and survival to keep itself afloat. Nonetheless, while Apple continues to remain at the very top of the wearable industry over the years there has been many changes that has shifted the course of history.
Today, we are taking a look at those events as well as exploring past and present of each Apple Watch that has been released since the first one hit the market. In doing so we will arrive to the conclusion of ‘how many apple watches are there?’ and hopefully we can round off with a solid insight regarding the future prospect for the trillion dollar tech company.
Apple Watch Locked To Owner! Can You Bypass It?

Apple Watches can come handy in many situations. The way they are designed you can use them in various everyday stuff to assist you. So, it is no wonder that nowadays having one on your hand has become more than a fashion statement. People seek to have a smartwatch which is not only confined to the fitness tracking and Apple Watches are certainly few of those which provides 100% premium experience.
So much so that in 2023 Apple sits at the top of the wearable industry food chain as the king of smartwatches. However, sometimes (not always) you can come across a situation where you might find yourself in a repellent condition. One where even after spending your money you are locked out of your own Apple Watch. Yes, we are indeed referring to the diabolical symptom of Apple Watches locked to their previous owners!
Oura Ring Not Connecting: Try These Options!

Oura Rings are not new in the world of wearables, they have been here for some time. You can use them for various tasks then be it tracking your heart rate or knowing how much you slept last night, Oura Ring has got it all. However, recently there has been an uproar in the Oura community regarding the connection issues.
Many of those who have just got their hands on the new Gen 3 of the Oura Ring complains that their ring was unable to connect itself to their smartphones. Rendering itself useless in doing so since Oura Ring itself doesn’t have display screen and your phone is all you have to see your stats. So, if you are one of those unlucky people then here is your chance to fix the problem of an Oura Ring not connecting to your mobile phone.
Fitbit Sleep Apnea Pattern: Guide For 2024

Fitbit might be jack of all trade but it is certainly not the master of many craft. Not at all. Using your Fitbit tracker you can track heart rate and it is possible to get a greater insight about your sleeping pattern. That is pretty much it. Even Fitbit itself suggest its consumers to be wary of the results showed by the tracker.
That being said sleep apnea while not directly tracked by any Fitbit you can using your said tracker get an understanding about it. Solid understanding. For sure to recognize the sleep apnea pattern you will have to jump some hoops and might even have to learn a thing or two, in the end its all worth it.
Can Samsung Galaxy Watches Measure Body Temperature?

Samsung is famous for many things, but if we specifically talk about the modern era then Galaxy series has to be it. Their mobile phones launched when Android was seeding its place in the tech world Samsung has seen years of success. Which as a return has also spawned avenues for others aspects in which the Korean company works today. One such example is smartwatches.
Although there is no doubt that Apple remains the king of wearable market in recent times Samsung Galaxy Watch series have made strides. More so since Samsung has been hell bent over introducing cool features that are not widely available elsewhere. One such example is ability of smartwatches to measure skin temperatures. Let’s talk about it!
What Is Fitbit Dongle? Does It Works Still?

Fitbit has been around for years now. Within few days we will enter new year and this coming year will mark the American fitness company 17 years in the wearable industry. If you think about it 17 years are a lot in the digital world. Because it wouldn’t be wrong to say Fitbit has been present for almost 75% of growth of wearable market. They were part of a very special time and they still are going strong.
In these 17 years there has been many ups and downs. Fitbit of 2015 was the king of the smartwatch world. While Fitbit of 2023 is still a strong contender for place in seat, if not for the crown. Which means there has been many experiments and many launches that couldn’t live up to see the new age. As it happens Fitbit dongle was one such thing. A minute device but not minute enough to not stay away from light of non-existence.
Fitbit Rash Pictures: Your Guide To Keep Yourself On Safe Side!

In 2023 when it is fashionable to make TikTok’s of going to gym and working out Fitbit is an obvious lifestyle choice for many. The minute size and powerful features that each Fitbit trackers packs within its 50×50 cm body is a miracle on its own. Hence the reason that you are very likely to see the next person sitting beside you on train with a health tracker (doesn’t always have to be a Fitbit).
Staying healthy is not a choice anymore, not in the post COVID world. For some it is vital that they stay top of their physical health. In which case having health trackers like Fitbit are more than important. Unfortunately, wearing your Fitbit 24/7 can give birth to consequences and not all of them are not itchy.
How To Turn On Amazfit GTS 4 Mini? Easy Steps!

Amazfit GTS 4 Mini is a perfect health tracker for those who need one with budget issue. You can track your basic vitals be it heart rate, distance or steps and the minute screen is enough to keep you on your toes. Obviously, it is no smartwatch nor a flagship model from Amazfit line-up so there is variation within quality of output. Yet overall you would be pretty happy with it.
However, there has been one reported issue with the tracker. People who have bought it find it tad difficult to have their GTS 4 Mini up and running. To address which we have decided to create this guide so that you can turn on your Amazfit GTS 4 Mini and easily pair it with your smartphone – all of it just within a minute or two.
Is Amazfit Owned By Amazon? If Not Then Who Owns It?

To those who actively follow the wearable market they would be more than familiar with name Amazfit. A Chinese brand which specialize in manufacturing smartwatches and health trackers. As for those who are not quite familiar but wants to invest in an Amazfit product and wondering about it well here is what you should know: You can think of Amazfit as the Chinese variant of the American health fitness brand Fitbit.
We all know where Fitbit stands when it comes to bringing to life nifty little health trackers. In which case the question which is important now is to figure out the origin of the Amazfit? Who and what owns it? Is it true that Amazon has got something to do with it?
Fitbit Luxe 2: Everything You Need To Know About Luxe 2!

Fitbit Luxe was not the first Fitbit tracker and certainly it wasn’t going to be the last one. Fitbit lives and breathe in making these little health care devices which tells you to sit down when you have ran a lot. So, the question about Luxe 2 existence is not the one which should be taken into context with gloam and boom. We know it will become a reality. The only question is when and how?
If you look at the trend at which Fitbit operates they work with two to three year lifecycle, which as a result give their each new iteration enough time to grow onto people. You could say that is a smart plan, because it is. In which case the question when will Fitbit Luxe 2 be out becomes even more important because it has been some time now since Luxe hit the market so a new crown prince should be on the way, right?
Is Fitbit Inspire 2 Waterproof Tracker? It Should Be!

Fitbit has a great track record of introducing cutting-edge products, and one of their notable releases in 2020 was the Fitbit Inspire 2, highlighting their ongoing commitment to wearable technology.
When it comes to practical aspects, especially its resistance to water, the question arises: how does the Fitbit Inspire 2 perform in wet conditions? Given that users are likely to expose their Inspire 2 trackers to water in various scenarios, it becomes crucial to understand its capabilities in such situations. So, is the Fitbit Inspire 2 capable of withstanding water exposure? In simpler terms, is it considered waterproof?
Oura Ring 4: All About The New Gen Oura Ring!

There is no doubt that when it comes to ratio of smartwatches to smart rings, smart rings are quite far behind. You are more likely to see 4 smartwatches out of 5 in a market than a smart ring. Which means there is space in this side of wearable industry. A space which so far has been in grasp of Oura. A Finnish company which excels in manufacturing smart rings for a niched audience.
However, while they are about to complete their 10 years very soon, in the last decade (almost a decade) Oura has only released three rings. With last one hitting the market back in the October of 2021. Which means that it is not insanity to speculate about the 4th. Because while Oura might not have confirmed it, there is something we know that you would like to hear about potential Oura Ring 4!
Are Apple Watches Carrier Locked? They Might Be!

Apple Watches can be pretty convenient to have around for 24 hours a day. They are great as fitness tracker. They are great as an extension to your smartphone (iPhone). Yet at the same time I’ve seen thousands stumble at the question of having the Apple Watch with LTE ability. While those few who can actually understand the working they can’t figure out how to put it to good use.
In which case they are left with little room to implement working changes. Or use their smartwatch to its complete potential. Hence just to ease your head ache we are creating this guide to explain to you how Apple Watch with carrier connectivity works and why you should invest in one!
Do Pawn Shop Buys Apple Watches? Everything To Know!

Apple Watches are part of life and why shouldn’t they be? You can use them to track rudimentary stats like heart beat to advance metrics like SPO2 (blood to oxygen ratio in your blood). There is no stopping to what these little watches can’t do. However, for many people they have to make a difficult choice and some times in a short period of time.
Especially, when you take into account the current economic situation and how difficult it is for many to survive. So, if you are clutching onto your Apple Watch wishing there was some way to get some money out of it, then you are at the right place. Pawning an Apple Watch is one of the easy way you can take to get best return of value.
Luxium Smartwatch Real Deal Or Fake News?

In an era where Internet and people on the Internet dominates everything, from ideas to the money in your wallet, it is very important to understand what is real and what is not. Chances of you losing or spending your money on something which was not worth it are always high. But they are even more higher for those who get swayed easily with charming videos and little thirst for research.
Luxium Smartwatches is one such example of this tale. On the social media you will find many talking about it. There will be videos. You will even find your own interest developing in what it can provide to you. However, at the same time, what we need you to understand is that not always what seems amazing is amazing, and not always what you should spend your money is worth it.
How To Cancel Fitbit Premium Subscription In 2 Minutes!

Fitbits can come very handy if you use them right. These little wearables are great at tracking your heart rate, blood pressure, and whatnot. However, if you want to attain more value there is one more way you can do it. Fitbit also provides premium tier of subscription, one which will further arm your Fitbit tracker with great power.
Although, it might come at a price, and that price is usually paid in real money for a time. Yet at the same time it is possible that you might want to axe it from your life. There is no doubt that not all Fitbit users need the premium subscription, at its very best it is just an extension of what your Fitbit tracker is already providing you. So, if by any chance, you are one of those guys then you are at the right place. Today we are going to learn how to cancel the Fitbit Premium subscription.
Fitbit Stress Management: What Is Good Score & How It Works?

According to the Google Trends in the year 2023 searches for ‘how to control the stress level’ reached a monumental high. A clear indication of the rising spread of chronic problem that is called stress nowadays. As well as a crying plea of many who wants to learn about their bodies but are unable to do so just because they have no knowledge or information.
Thankfully, for them or anyone who wants to give themselves a proper chance, Fitbit has a solution. The latest flagship Fitbit models are all equipped with stress managements tools. Unfortunately, it is little more complicated than just seeing your steps on a smartwatch. Stress tracking requires your attention. More you will try to understand it the better results it will be able to provide.
Steps To Find The Lost Fitbit Tracker! Find Your Fitbit In Nutshell

Fitbit can be an essential part of your life.
Given the wide variety of features that are available on the Fitbit manufactured trackers it is no surprise to see the dependability of common people on these. You lose it once, you can lose it all. For sure, before written remark could seem like a good joke to you. Consider the amount of data your Fitbit tracker collects in an hour and how it shapes the insights. Now imagine just how much you can lose just within one hour of losing your Fitbit.
I’m not overstating it, but results can be catastrophic. In which case it should be your number one priority to find your lost Fitbit smartwatch if you can’t find it on you. More so since they can be pretty expansive and the longer you will wait the less your chances will get to see them back on your hand.
Can Fitbit Trackers Detect The Snores? Are They Accurate?

Your Fitbit tracker can do a lot of things. From tracking your oxygen level in the blood to playing your favorite song on the phone, all you need to do is ask the Fitbit. However, there are some niche tasks where Fitbit is not so consistent, and even if it is then it will require you to do something about it.
Yes, I am referring to the art of snore detection. A mode not found very commonly in the health trackers today. Honestly, I don’t think it is even needed by many who owns these little devices. As far as the data suggest not many humans being snore. Or actually not snore loud enough that they feel the need to have a tracking system in place. But hey if you are getting something from free then what’s so bad about it, right?
But is it free? Is it?