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Fitbit Sense 3 should hit the market around the Fall of 2024. Although as of now Fitbit has not officially confirmed the 3rd Generation of Sense family.
When Will Fitbit Sense 3 Hit The Market?
Going by the trend we should be seeing Fitbit Sense 3 in the market by the end of 2024. The last two entries of Sense families had almost 2 years gap between them. So it seems fitting to believe that same pattern will follow here.
Although, since Google does own the Fitbit now and they have their own set of smartwatches (Pixel series) it wouldn’t also be a surprised to see the Fitbit Sense 3 released with the lates Pixel Watch 2.
What Would Be Price Of Fitbit Sense 3?
Fitbit Sense 3 won’t be priced less than $250 dollars at the time of release, that is for sure. Given the recent record it is Versa family which holds the lower hand in both features and price tag. So you are more likely to see Fitbit Sense 3 priced for $300 or more than Versa 5.
It should also be noted that as of now you can buy Fitbit Sense 2 for $250 a far expansive price alternative to it’s Versa 4 counterpart. So we are also expecting the same for the next generation of Fitbit smartwatches.
Some Must Have Features Fitbit Sense 3 Should Have!
Over the years Fitbit smartwatches have formed a pattern in their creations. Both Fitbit Sense and Fitbit Sense 2 got the ability to call months after the release of smartwatches in the market. Even today there is no Fall Detection or Airplane Mode in either of them. Even though there is hardware in place that can make it possible. While many claims that Fitbit is working on its OS system so far there has been minimal changes noticeable.
My point to put it all in front of you is to give you picture of how Fitbit has been slowly slacking in their efforts. There is no doubt that they are the industry standards when it comes to fitness tracking, but without an ounce of doubt the same can’t be said about their intentions in smartwatch business.
So if Fitbit wants up the game then they would have to do the following:
- Provide better GPS coverage.
- Improve the UI/UX of Fitbit OS.
- Optimize the iPhone sync up.
- Enable Fall Detection and Airplane Mode.
- Make sure Fitbit Sense 3 can handle calls at the time of release.
But most importantly Fitbit needs to stop catering to Google by making their brand of smartwatches the 2nd best option!
Potential Changes Between Fitbit Sense 2 & Fitbit Sense 3?
As stated above Fitbit Sense 2 was watered down far too much to please the Google overlords. It was stripped from Wi-Fi and third-party support. While later even music storage was removed along with Google Assistant. Leaving a smartwatch with half of what it’s predecessor was famous for.
So we are expecting all of it to return. Because if the Fitbit really wants to stay in this game, they would have to give the Sense 3 a big upgrade. Today even the knock off smartwatches can give you Wi-Fi connection and ability to download applications from store. So if Fitbit thinks they can stay in the game without providing the basics they are more than wrong.
According to many reports Fitbit is also working on making the blood pressure tracking a real possibility for it’s smartwatches. So there is this small possibility that Fitbit Versa 5 along with Fitbit Sense 3 could become the first smartwatch to have that function.
Either way there has to be big changes between Fitbit Sense 2 and Fitbit Sense 3...
Should You Wait For Fitbit Sense 3?
If you have been the fan of Fitbit from days of clipper era and you really want to invest in Fitbit product then by all means you should wait to see how Fitbit Sense 3 pans out. But if the above description isn’t relevant to you then our advice would be to take look on other options. While we are very hopeful from Fitbit to do the right thing. The possibility that Google will continue to make sure Fitbit variants stays one step back is not far fetched.
Apple Watch Series 8

Released at the same time as Fitbit Sense 2 the new entry in Apple’s portfolio is perfect smartwatch for anyone who wants to maintain balance between both casual and dedicated use. With dual-core processor powering it up from inside you can manage more than minimal tasks from your wrists using it.
Samsung Galaxy Watch 6

If there was awards like Oscar for smartwatches where the best looking was category there is no doubt Samsung Galaxy Watch 6 would’ve win it. Not only is it the one of the most powerful smartwatch you will come across, with the added benefit of LTE it has also become the ideal connecting device.
Amazfit GTR 4

Our cheapest suggestion till now Amazfit GTR 4 might not have the big name to back it up. It’s performance has everything to make sure you don’t feel the need of it. With strong support for both Android and iOS devices Amazfit has formed a complete utopia like Fitbit to provide support, companionship, and aid for its users.
Fate Awaits The Fitbit Sense 3..
So far there has been little to no confirmation about the 3rd Sense smartwatch. However, if records has shown anything, it is that Fitbit will not give up on it’s smartwatches. At least not so quickly. So you and I have every right to imagine the perfect Fitbit flagship. Although, for how long would we be imagining is a question that only Fitbit can and will answer.
Frequently Asked Questions
Of course. All Fitbit trackers are 50 ATM water resistant.
Both. Depending on what you need is what should be important to make a decision.
Certainly you will be able to shower with your Fitbit Sense 3.
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