Everything About Oura Ring Battery Life: Tips, Fixes & Secrets!

Everything About Oura Ring Batter Life Tips, Fixes & Secrets!

Oura Rings are fascinating little invention. They can track your heart rate. They can tell you about your oxygen level in blood. Yet what makes them so cool is what they are: just a ring. So, if you are hoping to get one for yourself, please do. However, before you eventually get one in your hand, go through this post so that you know everything there is to know about taking care of little Oura Rings.

More specifically you should know how the battery works in them. Because not only that constitutes the basics of which the Oura has laid the foundation of its creation. Without one there won't be the magic that Oura Rings brings into our lives.

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Oura Rings can last for 7 days on one charge. While they take less than 80 minutes to go from 0% to 100%. Although, there is no way to replace the battery with proper care Oura Ring can last for long time.

How Oura Ring Battery Works?

Just like Fitbit or any other tracker you can name Oura Rings are made to work on rechargeable battery which can – with time – age. So, if you have bought one today in three years times don’t expect it give you the same performance it is gonna give you today. That’s just not possible. Science doesn’t allow it.

However, there are other factors too which can degrade the performance of your ring (things like constant heart rate tracking, or using advance features like SPO2). In which case it is your duty to know how and when you want to use your Oura Ring. Although, even if we spare the details your Oura Ring can easily give 7 days up time on one charge. Meaning you don’t need to charge your Oura Ring every day.

Can Your Oura Ring Battery Be Replaced

Given the miniature scale on which Oura Rings are made the company has make sure that these smart rings have completely sealed battery unit. Which means that it actively discourages the act of replacing the battery. If you feel like your Oura Ring is suffering from the faulty battery issue you should take the matter to the Oura customer care.

If you recall this is the same thing which Fitbit has implemented with its brand of trackers. You are not allowed to replace the battery by yourself, if you would, you stand on the edge of voiding your warranty. Speaking of warranty what’s the matter with Oura here? Do you think there warranty covers the battery replacement?

Does Warranty From Oura Covers Battery?

As a matter of fact Oura Rings warranty doesn’t cover the battery changes, and there is reason for it. Since Oura doesn’t allow you tampering with battery on your own, if you would and in doing so end up making it dead. Oura won’t take the responsibility for it. Or fix it for you. You could take your smart ring then to third-party vendor but that would imply you are intentionally violating the agreement set by the Oura.

On the off chance this could also render your 1 year warranty which comes with new Oura Rings moot. Therefore it is nether recommended by us or the brilliant minds at Oura to ever play the God and try to do the deed by yourself. Instead what you should focus on is taking the best care of your Oura Ring battery life.

To help you get started we have complied the best practices for you down below!

Best Way To Take Care Of Your Oura Ring Battery?

Let’s start with very basic thing, you should always, and when I say always I do mean always charge your Oura Ring when it needs it. It is highly damaging to the battery life of Oura Ring if you would plug it in when it would be near maximum capacity.

Another good practice to keep in your routine is to charge your Oura Ring before you go to sleep. Because it needs at least 30% power to go through the night. Oura also suggests to charge your smart ring during low activity of the day (when you are playing video games or talking to someone on phone).

We have also discussed about it when we talked about water tolerance of Oura Rings, but I’d like to reiterate my point again that you should remain cautious of temperature you have left your Oura Ring. Because in spite the increased resistivity it is neither recommended nor suggestable to expose your Oura Ring to extreme temperatures given it could lead to battery damage. Also never let it reach the 0% battery it could both have affect on battery health and overall lifespan of device.

How To Properly Charge The Oura Rings?

Oura Rings take 20-80 minutes to go from 0% to 100% of battery. However, what is important thing to know is that you should be wary of the power supply going through the USB (Type C) to your Oura Ring. According to the official company press release power cord is intended to be supplied by an external 5Vdc supply that complies with IEC 62368-1 standard. So, depending on where you live make sure you’re able to provide the required amount.

Oura Ring On Charger

The best thing about Oura Rings apart from all the other best things is the backward compatibility between chargers. If you have Oura Ring Gen 2 charger you can use it to charge the Gen 3 and the vice versa. Although, in case of Gen 3 charger there is LED light on it to indicate the power status which will not work if you’d use it to charge Gen 2 ring.

To charge your Oura Ring:

  • Connect the USB cable to your charging dock and plug the other end into a power source, such as a USB wall plug, laptop, or power brick.
  • Place your ring on the charging dock. The LED will pulse white while your ring is charging.
  • When the LED turns green, your ring is fully charged. You’ll receive a push notification from your Oura App when charging is complete. This push notification will only appear if your Oura App is open and running in the background of your device (i.e., not forced closed). 

For Gen 3 chargers LED on the charger will play a huge role and therefore your familiarity with the different lights and what they mean is important for the operation to workout. Hence for your ease we have added the reference table below for you to learn the basics.

LED lights reference table

Using this table you can tell the meaning behind different colors of LED light. This table is also particularly helpful if you have just reset your Oura Ring and wants to begin pairing it. Or if you want to store it for sometime without causing a stress on the battery life (more about it below).

Pesky Secrets To Increase Oura Ring Battery Life!

Now that we have learned the best practices and how to charge our Oura Rings, let’s put the spotlight on different features you can use to prolong the Oura Ring battery life. Starting with Airplane Mode you can easily put your smart ring to one from your phone (using the Oura app).

Doing so will ensure that your Oura Ring will be disconnected from your phone for time (this will put halt on data transfer) to get the best out of your Oura Ring battery life. Personally, I’d recommend using Airplane Mode when you don’t have access to charger or electricity since this will give your ring the best chance to last for long.

To put the ring into Airplane Mode do this: Tap the ring icon in the upper right-hand corner of the Home tab. Then, toggle the slider next to “Ring airplane mode” on. Confirm that you’d like to turn on airplane mode via the pop-up message.

Another one of those things which can give your smart ring fighting chance is through using the power saving mode. Although to enable it you’d have to reset and unpair your Oura Ring this particular method is perfect if don’t want to use your ring for a while now, and by while we mean 2 weeks or more. Because this mode will make sure there is no unpredictable, uncertain degradation in battery life while your Oura Ring will be sitting idle.

One last point that you should know about before we wind up our post is using the notification powers. Through them you can ensure that you get timely reminder to put your Oura Ring for charging from your phone. Although, since this is not set up by default you will have to do it manually for future times.

To receive reminders before bed when your Oura Ring’s battery is low, enable Battery level notifications in the Oura App.

  • Go to the menu.
  • In the upper left-hand corner of the Home tab.
  • Tap Settings > Notifications.
  • Enable Battery level notifications.

Keep in mind this will not work if your Oura Ring will be under the influence of Airplane Mode. So choose your weapons carefully.

Oura Ring Battery Life: To Infinity & Beyond!

At the end of the day Oura Ring has everything it takes to make a great fitness wearable. For sure given the size limitations there could a thing or two which might be missing we need to keep in mind the important bit: Oura Ring is a ring after all, not a smartwatch.

Frequently Asked Questions

There could be many reasons like using constant heart rate tracking or SPO2 analysis.

Ezhan Javed

CMO At Chronoat

“What am I if not the words I write?” is something I’ve asked myself quite often. So, I feel it is my duty being CMO at Chronoat to not only write to inform but inspire.

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