Fitbit Stress Management: What Is Good Score & How It Works?

Fitbit Stress Management What Is Good Score & How It Works

According to the Google Trends in the year 2023 searches for 'how to control the stress level' reached a monumental high. A clear indication of the rising spread of chronic problem that is called stress nowadays. As well as a crying plea of many who wants to learn about their bodies but are unable to do so just because they have no knowledge or information.

Thankfully, for them or anyone who wants to give themselves a proper chance, Fitbit has a solution. The latest flagship Fitbit models are all equipped with stress managements tools. Unfortunately, it is little more complicated than just seeing your steps on a smartwatch. Stress tracking requires your attention. More you will try to understand it the better results it will be able to provide.

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Fitbit uses various metrics like HRV, Heart Rate and Skin Temperature, EDA (Sense series only) to monitor changes in body to calculate stress. However, since Fitbit emphasize on physical signs more emotional stress might not be estimated by Fitbit accurately.

Stress: Let’s Define It

While there are many definitions of the word ‘stress‘ the one which matters here is how Fitbit defines it, and Fitbit defines it as the body’s natural response to imbalance. To better understand it you can think of it this way: You were watching a movie in cinema, when suddenly your heartbeat begins to race. In order to give yourself a chance you try to drink soda but it only ends up making the situation worse and now you are gasping for air even when there is no need for it.

The above described situation is what you can call an anxiety attack. However as mostly 75% of these attacks are the direct result of poor mental health which is itself a result of stress, you can see where and what is the problem here, and why Fitbit uses two categories to describe the stress.

  • Acute Stress: Short-term stress is brought on by immediate perceived threats, like a deadline or alarm. Bursts of stress can help you motivate, focus, perform and respond quickly. 
  • Chronic Stress: Prolonged stress can contribute to health problems like high blood pressure, heart disease, obesity and more.

For those who suffer from the later you should have the wearable which can teach you about your body. It will help you in learning different aspects of your natural response state as well as equipped you with knowledge of how to handle any alarming situation that might arise.

Fitbit Calculates Stress In Steps

Since stress in itself is not a quantifiable response, there is no one way to measure it. You need to have multiple variables in place to keep note of it, and this is what Fitbit does in it’s tracker. The new Fitbit models uses HRV, Heart Rate, Skin Temperature and many other activities to reach to a conclusion. Through this way it becomes easier to increase the accuracy of the system as well as ensure that the user is not fed the skewed information.

According to the press release Fitbit trackers also uses the continuous electrodermal activity (cEDA) sensor that measures small changes in your micro sweat levels all day. So, combined with the metrics above Fitbit is able to provide a unified response. However, it should be noted that given there is room for error of margin and precision of tools cannot be at 100%, there can be mistakes within the readings. In which case your judgement should supersede the Fitbit’s ruling.  

Good Stress Score & Bad Stress Score

The Fitbit regulations state that lower stress score indicates that your body is showing more signs of physical stress. Using this data we can drive to our own conclusion and set the parameter for each score based on the findings from the Fitbit itself.

  • Stress Score of 0-30: Immediate response is required. You stress score has fallen below the threshold and therefore you need to participate in stress managements activity.
  • Stress Score of 31-60: While you might not need to do anything with urgency, it would be recommendable to try to relax yourself. Go for the walk or talk to someone to take your mind off.
  • Stress Score of 61-80: Acceptable. Your stress score doesn’t indicate any need for response or call of aid. However, to strive for better, you should try to manage your body response accordingly.
  • Stress Score of 81-100: Ideal state for a healthy person. Your body is not showing any sign of physical stress and you are in perfect condition to go by your day.

It should be noted that these are not advocated by the Fitbit but the collection of our expert opinion, therefore if you feel like they are not matching to your condition you should contact for medical aid. We would always suggest getting a professional advice when you are too overwhelmed to think straight.

Fitbit Premium Might Be Needed!

While you can track your stress score from your Fitbit dashboard easily. There is no hassle or obstacle in doing it. If you wish to receive detailed insights regarding your body which Fitbit is very capable to provide you will need the subscription of the Fitbit Premium model. It is unfortunate, but there is no other way about it, and no it is different from WHOOP model.

Much like snoring and other advanced features Fitbit has locked the stress managements to an extent using their paid plans. So detailed breakdown on why and how you have acquired your Fitbit stress score will remain hidden behind the paywall unless you decides to pay $79 a year to the Fitbit.

How To Lower The High Stress Score On Fitbit Dashboard

There are many ways through which you can lower the stress level, but if we are to focus on only those which Fitbit recommends then you can understand them from these core four types:

  • Sleep: More you will sleep longer and better. Better your chances of getting good score will be.
  • Activity: Fitbit recommends 150 minutes of intense workout in a week. If you can make it a habit don’t be surprised to see high stress score on your Fitbit next time you measure it.
  • Mindfulness: One of the best technique as well as the one which is very easy to implement is practicing control over the mind. Fitbit’s RELAX application is filled with 400+ activities through which you can ease yourself.
  • Nutrition: Eating healthy food with a diet plan which can compliments your physical status can be a plus point for anyone with low stress score.

As noted above these points mentioned in a list is the type of activities which you can use to work your way through it. Not to mention since the stress which Fitbit puts special emphasis is on the one which forces body to exhibit physical signs, a emotional reason for stress will have to be treated in a different manner to the ones we have talked about yet.

Is Fitbit Stress Management Accurate For Medical Reference?

Honestly, it is difficult to say that what Fitbit provides is accurate enough for a doctor to accept as a medical reference. Given Fitbit’s strong use of metrics which can easily be skewed by variety of factors and a general disregard of transparency, we will not advise you to take your Fitbit stress score to heart. They are invaluable as the insight required to improve your routine or to incorporate good habits, but from a medical standpoint it is far too risky.

Besides there is also issue of correlation between sleeping patterns and Fitbit stress score. Although, Fitbit has never confirmed it, but from what thousands of users have reported, Fitbit trackers do tend to award better stress score to those with stable sleeping habits. Which to an extent is fine, but when you take into consideration the vague nature of the ‘stress’ and how it affect the body even without forcing to exhibit physical signs the very process which Fitbit uses comes into question.

Fitbit Premium Might Be Needed!

Needless to say as we discussed above the emotional stress and the affects that it has on the mind and body is something which still eludes Fitbit trackers. While it is true that your tracker will ask you to log your mood on a timely basis, there is also no lie in the fact that Fitbit trackers are not still not able to process it in a manner that they should.

Although, it is not their fault and perhaps they are limited by limitations of a commercial tracker, what many fails to miss is that Fitbit tries to work around with numbers. They try to give the scores and measure your little movements. When in reality it is more than difficult to quantify something as unpredictable as stress to give accurate results. Not without hundreds of variables in place. Not with three sensors at the play.

Frequently Asked Questions

Above 81 till 100 is ideal stress score.

Fitbit uses various sensors to keep track of little changes in your body. Most notable of which are metrics like HRV, heart rate, and skin temperature as well as EDA in Fitbit Sense series. 

Anything below 30.

Ezhan Javed

CMO At Chronoat

“What am I if not the words I write?” is something I’ve asked myself quite often. So, I feel it is my duty being CMO at Chronoat to not only write to inform but inspire.

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