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To know if someone's phone is turned off or dead call them if your call will not connect it will be safe to say their phone is dead. You can also text or check their last known location.
To Know For Sure Trying Calling Them
Your first clue to find out if the person’s phone is dead or not is to call them. There is no other ideal solution than this. Simply pick up your phone, dial their number, and call them. But, if there would phone would be dead then you can tell that through these signs:
They Won’t Pick Your Call
The most obvious and rational conclusion to calling a dead phone is that your call won’t connect. No matter how many times you try you will not be able to hear the ringing bell. Which will imply two things either the person whom you are trying call has drained the battery of their cell phone or there is network issue causing the delay.
You Will Be Redirected To Voicemail
Second but more defined way to find out if someone’s phone is off is through the voice mail. Because this is generally heard when the person whom you’re trying to call has their phone turned on (you will hear the ringing bell) but they are not picking it up.
Although, in many cases the redirect to voicemail is also because the phone is off, so it doesn’t always mean that the person you are calling is ignoring you, or they don’t know where there phone is at the moment. A good practice here would be to call to different number that you know will be in their home. If there would be network issue your call won’t connect to that number too.
Your Call Won’t Connect
Many times the reason we are not be able to call another person is because they have blocked our number. Of course it won’t be the case when you are trying to call your family member, but if it’s that girl you met down the pub then perhaps you should keep this in mind.
Although to confirm if the reason is because you are blocked you can mask your number by dialing *67 before the recipient’s ten-digit number. The recipient will not be able to see your caller ID (name) if you use a masked phone number. Your number and name will not be known to the person.
They Will Contact You From Another Phone
As we mentioned in the passing above in case you really want to confirm if the person you are calling has the dead phone, you can contact their family member. Through this way you can ensure that they are safe and sound. Of course, another possibility is that they will call you by themselves if their phone will be off using different number.
In each case it is important that you are calling someone with whom you are particularly close too. I won’t bet on your Boss calling you to let you know he was in toilet so he couldn’t see his dead phone.
Second Option Is To Text Them
If even after calling the person you couldn’t tell if their phone is turned off or not, this is what I will suggest you should do: Text them. Everyone in this age uses the social media and have the phones with SIM cards. Use it find out if your text is reaching them.
Messages Will Take Time To Be Sent
In case the person you are trying to connect to would’ve their phone dead your text messages will take a great deal of time to reach them. It is also important to note here that we are talking about simple texting using the SIM card. This method is particularly more inclined for the Android users given they don’t have the access to iMessages.
Although if you are using the WhatsApp then it could be a good sign to check the ‘tick’ sign. If the person you are texting will have their phone turned off, you will only see one ‘tick’ on the message you will send.
You Won’t See Delivered On iMessage
For my friends with iPhone you can use the iMessage to find out the status of your friend’s phone. Simply text them and see if the Delivered appears at the bottom of your text. If it does then it means your friend has their phone turned on and they are connected to the Internet. If not, then you can say with 85% guarantee that their phone is turned off.
The Last Seen Will Disappear
On WhatsApp last seen disappears if your phone is turned off for many hours. So if you see the same or can’t see the last seen at all on your friend’s status then it is good hint about their phone. Although in many cases some people have intentionally turned off their last seen which means they won’t get to see yours and you won’t get to see them. So, keep this in mind when you try to figure out about their phone’s status.
You Won’t Get Reply
Once again the most obvious conclusion to this dilemma here. If the phone would be turned off or dead there is no way your friend or who ever it is you’re trying to text will be able to text you back. In which case we will recommend that you practice both patience and keep in touch with a family member to know about their whereabouts.
Check For Social Media Status
While texting and calling can be good primary options if you are really concerned about the said someone then we will suggest to take help of social media apps and use the tracking option to find out if their phone is really turned off or not.
Last Check Out Can Tell About Their Status
Open Instagram, Facebook, Messenger, or whatever you use and check for the last activity of the person you’re trying to find out. Before 2019 Instagram used to have the activity bar which used to show the likes, views, and literally everything you could think another person is doing (of course those who are in your friends or follow list). While, sadly this feature is not available to us Instagram still shows the last seen of a person so you can use it for the guess.
Find My iPhone Won’t Show Location
If you have the iPhone and the person you’re trying to connect also have the iPhone and you two share your location you can easily tell about the phone status by doing this:
- Open iMessenger.
- Click on their photo.
- You will see the Map.
- If their location is constantly being updated the their phone is on. If not you know your answer.
To share your location with someone else you have to give access to another person. So make sure you have that with you. This feature is also particularly useful to find the last location of a person or device. We learned that Apple Watches can be easily tracked through it.
See Snapchat Live Location
There are many people who use Snapchat today. I don’t. I have tried many times but it’s just not for me. Anyways if you know the person you’re trying to connect uses the Snapchat then you should try to see their live location through it. If their phone will be dead then you will see their last known location.
Use IMEI Number To Check Location
I don’t think it is possible that you will happen to know the IMEI number of the another person’s mobile, but if you by a chance happen to have that in your mind do this:
- Go to the IMEI Tracker website (link is provided down below).
- Enter the IMEI number of the phone.
- Set the country of origin.
- Click on the ‘Track’ button.
Yet The Best Way To Find If Someone’s Phone Is Off Or Dead Is…
While we’ve discussed the variety of possible choices you can make to find out if the someone’s phone is turned off or not. The best way to approach this matter will always be to contact a family member. Or anyone who you know will be close to them physically.

Another good practice is to wait when you can’t hear back, I know that it could be dreading and it won’t be easy going through those hours it’s the best you can do. This with prayers for them to be okay. Many times the reason for dead phone is because of dead batteries and faulty chargers. So, try to remain calm and hope that they contact you as soon as it’s possible for them.
Frequently Asked Questions
Your call won’t get connect.
Your call won’t connect.
You will only see one ‘tick.’
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