Spade & Co Health Smartwatch Review

Spade & Co Health Smartwatch Review

Welcome to another review post for the Spade & Co creation. If you are new to the Chronoat I feel it's vital to inform you we have done the review posts for Spade & Co Health Smartwatch 2 and 3 respectively in the past. So if anything is arousing curiosity feel free to check out those.

To those of you who are just coming back or who happen to know about the business Spade & Co does I apologize to greet you with disappointment. While I am well aware it is my duty to provide the correct piece of information to you, what I am about to present is in itself contradiction and consequences of inadequate planning or perhaps intention.

Either way it has gotten our attention and it is time to address it. So without any further ado let's take a look at the titular smartwatch from the Spade & Co...

Table of Contents

Spade & Co Health Smartwatch: Hindsight

With promise of grandeur and greatness Spade & Co fails miserably in fulfilling them to fruitarian. However, as a standalone smartwatch with little to offer it might just be what you need to know about before making any big decision.



Review Time!!!

The Spade & Co Health Smartwatch has been around for a while now and it’s clear that there were some missed opportunities with this release. At first glance, it’s evident that there wasn’t a lot of effort put into the design. While the size and overall look of the watch are passable, it falls short in other areas. Even for a $60 smartwatch, one would expect a better performance.

The tracking and monitoring system is where the watch really falls short. It’s plagued with repetition errors and the battery life is just not sufficient enough to last a full day. These problems were also present in their next two releases and it’s disappointing to see them still not addressed.

Read More: Spade & Co Health Smartwatch 2 Review

Read More: Spade & Co Health Smartwatch 3 Review

Pricing At Play

The Spade & Co Health Smartwatch stands out for its low price tag of $60. For the features and style it promises to offer, it’s an incredible deal. There aren’t many other products on the market that offer similar features at such a low cost.

If only…

Spade & Co Cost $60

Body And The Bead…

Innovation can be challenging when there are limited possibilities for change. Smartwatches have a specific form factor that can only be altered to a certain extent. Design choices are limited.

The Spade & Co Health Smartwatch experiences the same limitations. The overall design of the watch is not particularly groundbreaking or unique. It has the typical look and shape of a smartwatch that you would expect.

The build quality of the Spade & Co Health Smartwatch is not outstanding, and its dimensions – 38mm wide, 45mm tall, and less than 14mm thick – are standard and unremarkable.

Wearing the watch was comfortable, but it can be quite noticeable and stand out at times, particularly if you have smaller wrists. It didn’t cause any issues during sleep or workouts, but in the long term, the data tracking capabilities of the watch are only average and not particularly noteworthy.

Display Dalliance

Without knowing more about the specific hardware components of the Spade & Co Health Smartwatch, it’s difficult to make an accurate assessment of its technical capabilities. However, based on my experience testing the watch, I can say that the screen is one of its strengths. It was clear and easy to read even in bright sunlight conditions.

Spade & Co Has Display To Look At

For sure it isn’t at the level at which top manufacturers of wearables industry are operating Apple and Co. Given the size and stature of organization Display of the Spade & Co certainly commands respect.

Uncultured Tracking Numbers

If you visit the Spade & Co website, you might come away thinking that their latest smartwatch is the best one on the market. I can understand why you might think that – the features and functions they advertise are certainly impressive.

The Spade & Co Smartwatch is advertised as being able to measure Sp02 levels in your blood, track your heart rate, analyze stress levels using temperature sensors, monitor different stages of sleep, and give you reports on the noise level in your environment. Additionally, the watch is marketed to have GPS functionality for tracking your location, and Bluetooth connectivity for making calls and sending texts directly from your wrist.

Spade & Co Fails To Track!

All in all, the advertised features of Spade & Co Smartwatch are quite impressive and it’s hard not to be impressed by it.

Unfortunately, in spite the impressive list of advertised features, I have to report that I was utterly disappointed with the Spade & Co Smartwatch. It’s true that all of the features that I have mentioned are present on the watch (almost all of them), but their performance leaves much to be desired.

Just like the next iteration of the watch, the results from the various sensors and tracking functions are highly inconsistent and often repetitive. I often found myself looking at the same set of numbers, even when the conditions were vastly different. The OS is not optimized, making the User Interface feel clunky, slow and unresponsive. Often showing irrelevant data at times. All in all, a complete let down.

Tamed Battery

The official claim from Spade & Co is that the Spade & Co has a battery life of 10 days with a single charge. Unfortunately, this is not the case. During our testing, we found that the battery lifespan actually decreased with each week of usage.

More so if you set the brightness to its maximum level, the rate of battery drain increases exponentially, making the battery performance even more disappointing. It’s not a secret that it’s not living up to its promise which makes it a let down.

Non-Existent Customer Support!

At the time of purchase Spade & Co grants its each new customer 30 day return policy. So in practice if you don’t like your new smartwatch then by law set by the company itself you should be able to return your watch and get your money.

Sadly, in reality, the time which the average response takes to get back from the Spade & Co is – mostly – so long that you are well past that 30 day deadline. Rendering any chance you might’ve null and zoid. Although, it isn’t like this is total scam many people have reportedly heard back in time and got replacement but majority is not many people.

And majority feels left out.

Stuff You Should Get

Just like every other smartwatch you would ever come across Spade & Co Health Smartwatch 3 comes with the following in the box:

  • Health Smartwatch Case
  • Health Smartwatch Band
  • Health Smartwatch Magnetic Fast Charger to USB Cable
  • User ManualĀ 
  • Bundles also includes extra band(s) and extra charger.
  • Duo includes 2 boxes, and each includes all the above.

Spade & Co Health Review: Verdict

As someone who is passionate about the growth and advancement of smart devices, it’s disappointing to see a smartwatch with so much potential fall short of its promises.

There’s no denying that the Spade & Co Health Smartwatch is not the best smartwatch on the market.

But, we believe in the power of progress and hope that the company will soon capitalize on the potential of their product and bring about meaningful improvements and change in the future.

Ezhan Javed

CMO At Chronoat

“What am I if not the words I write?” is something I’ve asked myself quite often. So, I feel it is my duty being CMO at Chronoat to not only write to inform but inspire.

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Spade & Co Health Smartwatch

With promise of grandeur and greatness Spade & Co fails miserably in fulfilling them to fruitarian. However, as a standalone smartwatch with little to offer it might just be what you need to know about before making any big decision.

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