
Can iMessage Still Deliver Text When Phone is Dead?

Can iMessage Still Deliver Text When Phone is Dead

iMessage is one of those thing about Apple which will never cease to amaze us. It is easy to use. It is very convenient to set up. But even more importantly it is 100% free to use, and you know what they say: best things in life are always free (at least Sheldon Cooper said it).

However, at times iMessage can put us into situations where we might have to wonder what will happen next? One such case is when we are texting someone who’s phone is dead or they don’t have Internet connection. Because then we have to think will our text be delivered to them, and if so, then how and when?

Can You Facetime From iPhone If Blocked By Someone?

Can You Facetime From iPhone If Blocked By Someone

It’s quite normal to call someone and get no response. Truth be told it happens with me like 5-10 times a day, and I can confirm it is very annoying to me. But do you know sometimes the reason we couldn’t reach a person is because they have blocked us?

Like have you ever thought about it? Because if you did then we need to talk about it now, especially when our qualm for today is to find the answer to question can you Facetime a person if blocked by them? Before we begin keep in mind that it is possible that there is another reason at play due to which you couldn’t Facetime with your friend.

What Is No Caller ID On iPhone? Note The Difference!

What Is No Caller ID On iPhone Note The Difference!

Have you ever found yourself looking at your iPhone ringing with this text on the screen: ‘No Caller ID’

If so then you must’ve wondered at the time what is it that is making your phone show that and not the number of a person who is trying to call you. Or if it happened to you, have you seen the Unknown ID on the ringing screen on your iPhone? Because if you did then this post is specially for you to understand what is it that renders our smartphone to show these texts, and what they actually mean.

Keep in mind we’re going to take different perspective in this guide to ensure that we are not presenting to you facts from a predefined mode or method.

Why Are My Messages Sending Green To Another iPhone?

Why Are My Messages Sending Green To Another iPhone

If you live in U.S then there is pretty good chances that you will be using iMessage for your day to day texting. Even when the rest of the world is primarily focused on WhatsApp. However, even if you are not particularly living in U.S and yet prefer to use iMessage that is totally fine. I don’t live in U.S and I like it better than WhatsApp.

But do you know what I don’t like? The green bubble! It boils my blood and whenever I have to see it, it ruins my day. So, if you are anything like me then you’d want to know too what and why suddenly – sometime – color of our message bubble changes on iPhone. Because if you are and you want too I have a lot to say about it. A lot that you might find helpful next time you are face to face with a green bubble text on your iPhone screen.

How To Tell If Someone Is Accessing Your iPhone Remotely?

How To Tell If Someone Is Accessing Your iPhone Remotely

Despite Apple’s iPhone reputation of immunity from threats that often ravages Android phones it is not uncommon for an iPhone to be hacked. Which means that if you’re an iPhone user then your shared delusion of iPhone being the safest mobile phone and Hogwarts being the secured place needs to meet it’s end. Because let’s face it both can succumb to a horrible end.

While in case of Hogwarts plot armor will always be there – at least – to save the day. For your iPhone it is you who needs to step up. If you feel your iPhone is getting accessed by someone far away then perhaps you could be right. However, it is always important to confirm your suspicions before arriving to a conclusion.

Is WHOOP Membership Worth It In Big 2023?

Is WHOOP membership worth it

Fitness tracking is not a facade anymore. It is not 2016, people are not going to runs for the Instagram stories. Which means general population is in need of guidance, something which can push them to become better. However with hundreds of different options available it is not easy to make a right choice. Especially when the right choice involves the membership.

If you couldn’t guess by now, we are indeed talking about the WHOOP membership and if or if not you should get it for yourself. Because while there is no doubt about the ability of WHOOP trackers they are held at high esteem because they deserve it. There are still many questions asked about its membership and if it really is at all needed.

What Does Cancelled Call On iPhone Means?

What Does Cancelled Call On iPhone Means

It’s tad annoying calling someone and then seeing your call was cancelled for some reason. I mean I get it when it was declined by the person I was calling but if it wasn’t, it boils something inside me. Sadly, what is even more frustrating is to see people getting the two terms confused with each other.

Therefore, to put my mind at ease so that I can rest well knowing I did my best today I am going to tell you what exactly does it mean when you see the ‘Call Cancelled’ text on your iPhone. Keep in mind this post is going to tackle the issue with iPhone in mind, we are not going to discuss the role of Androids here.

How To Check If eSIM Is Activated In Your iPhone

How To Check If eSIM Is Activated In Your iPhone

eSIM is not a new innovation yet it is the one that is rapidly replacing it’s physical counterpart, especially in the first world, and why won’t it? The added convenience with flexibility is one of many factors that elevates it over having the physical SIM card.

So, if you’re wondering to use these virtual piece for your iPhone, let me congratulate you first for taking a progressive step. Secondly, you should know that there are some requirements to use an eSIM on iPhone though none that can be a deal breaker for you. However, if you’re already an eSIM user on iPhone then let’s see how to check if it’s activated or not.

How Do You Know When Someone Stops Sharing Their Location On iPhone?

How Do You Know When Someone Stops Sharing Their Location On iPhone

If you live in an area where you don’t feel safe then sharing location with your family members is pretty good way to let them know of your whereabouts. Speaking from my own experience anytime I have to spent months in Karachi at my parent’s home (not the safest city in the world) I make sure to have my location shared with those close to me.

However, many times I’ve been asked that did you stopped sharing it with us, we couldn’t see it. My mom specially, she is quite paranoid. So, if you are like me or if your mother is like my mother then please keep going and read how you can tell when and if someone stopped sharing their location with you on their iPhone.

What Does Emphasize Mean On iPhone While Texting?

What Does Emphasize Mean On iPhone While Texting

Using an iPhone to text to your friend who also happens to be iPhone user is always fun. Apple’s delicate iMessage platform provides various fun functions that you can use to make your chats a lively time for you. With one such function called ‘Emphasized’ and how it can be used to draw the attention to a particular text message.

However, keep in mind that like most of the things brought to life by Apple this feature is also limited to the iPhone’s utopia, meaning you need to have the Apple device for things to work.

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