
How To Type Square Root On iPhone? 30 Seconds Steps!

How To Type Square Root On iPhone 30 Seconds Steps!

If you are trying to solve an equation and you don’t have the calculator with you, but iPhone is there. Let me tell you a secret: Your iPhone actually does have the advance calculator which can help you out. However, given the screen size of a normal iPhone what Apple has done is that iPhone’s advance calculator is hidden.

So, in order to use it (even if you only want to use it to type square root) you will have to find the hidden calculator on your phone. Which is very easy. All you have to do is go through this 30 seconds process and you will be good to go.

Can You Text Someone You Blocked From iPhone? Why Not?

Can You Text Someone You Blocked From iPhone

If you have recently blocked someone out of spite, but now you are regretting it because you feel you were too harsh, but you also don’t want to put aside your ego, let me tell you this: ‘It has happened with everyone at least once in their life.’

However, if you’re an iPhone user and you have have blocked your ex-soulmate on it then I have some news for you. Despite the popular belief you can text someone even if you have blocked them although there is one catch that you should catch before we proceed.

How To Refresh Browsers On Mac Book? Chrome & Firefox!

How To Refresh Browsers On Mac Book Chrome & Firefox!

To those of you who are using the Mac you would have faced the situations where your laptop got stuck. Because, speaking from experience that happens to me like 1-2 times weekly, even though my Mac isn’t even that old. Either way, after digging around I found out that one nifty solution for fixing the stuck Mac Books is to refresh the browser (because let’s face it that’s where it gets super annoying).

So, if you happen to be in same boat as me, then this guide is specially made for you. To render the answer: How to refresh browsers on Mac as quickly as you can. While wasting as little time as possible.

How To Sync Garmin With Google Fit? Complete Guide!

How To Sync Garmin With Google Fit

Smartwatches have become far too smart. It was not long ago when the only thing they were good at was counting your steps and telling you the distance. But now it is almost like we have these perfect mini computer on our wrists that are able to perform a lot of cool stuff.

So we need a way to present all the cool data somewhere. In the case of Garmin there is Garmin’s own platform, however, at times people want to find a more universal solution. Google Fit is one of those solution, but there is a problem here. One that we will discuss with you today while answering THE question: How to Sync the Garmin Smartwatches with Google Fit platform?

How To Connect Smart Watches With Mobile? Easy Steps!

How To Connect Smartwatch With Mobile!

In current times smartwatches aren’t exactly the innovation of today. They have been here for a long time now and they are used for a reason. Smartwatches can track, detect, and monitor handful of your body vitals while giving quality service as a complimentary mobile device.

However, all smartwatches needs to have some sort of connection with another device to become whole. 99% of time that one device is your phone. So if you want to learn how to connect your smartwatch to your mobile this post is certainly made and meant for you.

How To Reset The Fitbit Inspire 2? Read This Before!

How to Reset Fitbit Inspire 2

Fitbit Inspire 2 was just recently succeeded by the Inspire 3 by the Fitbit. So, it is no surprise to see that many people are still using the 2nd generation Inspire tracker, and why wouldn’t they? Fitbit Inspire 2 has almost everything you want to have your in health tracker. It can tell distance, steps, heart rate, and whatnot.

However, given that Inspire 2 has aged now and can require your attention from time to time. We feel it is perfect time to give you the knowledge on how to deal with Fitbit Inspire 2 if yours get stuck or doesn’t work properly. More so we want to you learn and apply the basic steps of resetting the Inspire 2 to make it work.

What Is BPM In Smart Watches How To Use It?

What Is BPM In Smartwatches! How You Can Used It For You

Every modern smartwatch be it Apple Watch or the Noise smartwatch can record your heart rate. Which means every smartwatch is able to tell you about your BPM. Now the question for today is what is this thing called BPM and why does literally every smartwatch on the planet insist on using it to tell you about your cardiovascular health.

Is there something we don’t know about BPM which makes it special? Or is just too important to miss out? In any case our focus for this post is to inform you about your smartwatch and it’s unique relation with the stat called BPM.

Fill Noise Warranty Registration Within Minutes!

Fill Noise Warranty Registration Within Minutes!

Noise is one of the biggest electronic manufacturer within the India. With millions of smartwatches sold every quarter it is no surprise to see there is a strong sense of community about these products. However, what many are not aware off is that each Noise product regardless of what it is comes with 1 year warranty. Which means in the happenstance that you find yourself in need of help with your Noise smartwatch you can ask the company for the fix.

Although, it should be noted that Noise warranty lasts for only 12 months so you should keep in mind when you bought your device. In any case below mentioned are the steps you can take to avail the benefits of Noise warranty registration form.

What To Expect From Fitbit Versa 5? Release Date, Rumors & Price

What To Expect From Fitbit Versa 5

Almost 3 years after the Fitbit Versa 3 hit the market we are now heading towards the 5th generation of the Versa family. Even though it was just last September when Fitbit Versa 4 arrived, there is no doubt the general census regarding the 4th member was more of disappointment. More so since with the arrival of Fitbit Versa 3 it seemed like Fitbit is finally ready to take charge in smartwatch market.

However, it doesn’t matter anymore, because it has been an year now and people are finally ready to hear about the next great Sense entry. Although, as of now (August of 2023) we have heard very little from Fitbit itself. For today we will take a look on every little detail that we know and can assume about the next Fitbit Sense 3.

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