
Does Fitbit Work On Ankle? Let’s Find Out!

Does Fitbit Work On Ankle Let’s Find Out!

Fitbit are best in what they can do and they can do many things. From tracking your oxygen level in the blood stream to play the music from your wrist, Fitbit in 2023 are deservedly called one of the best wearable manufacturers. They are cheap. They are easy to use, yet most importantly they can facilitate you in multiple aspects of life.

So, when questions are asked like if it is possible or suggestable to wear a Fitbit tracker on your ankle, we shouldn't call the other person idiot for asking it. As a matter of fact their curiosity should be used to discover new and imaginative ways through which Fitbit can make a difference.

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Fitbit can be worn around ankle and it will also increase the accuracy of some set of data, but it is not suggestable to always have it around your ankle. You should mix and match.

Wear Fitbit Anywhere!

If you have read about our alternative ways to wear Fitbit you would know that there is literally no restriction regarding the manner and place you choose for your Fitbit. You can put your Fitbit on your hat and it will be okay (of course don’t do that, you might look like a clown). It might even work to an extent – for sure not all the features will be able to respond to the novel conditions, but some will.

So, if your question was to just can you wear Fitbit to ankle without need to find anymore information then you have your answer. You won’t be jailed to put the Fitbit around your ankle. However, if there was more that you were hoping to find out then let me tell you this: You can put your Fitbit around the ankle and it will be even better place for it to thrive in terms of data tracking.

What Makes Ankle Perfect Place To Put Fitbit!

Given there is accuracy issue with almost every Fitbit iteration it’s normal to deploy a method which can increase accuracy of results. In which case the best way to do it is by wearing your Fitbit around your ankle. If you are wondering why it is the case then you should know this: Every Fitbit tracker be it a smartwatch or a band requires direct contact with skin. It needs that connection to put to use the sensors that are placed at the back side of it.

To better understand this dilemma we can take the example of heart rate sensor. Your Fitbit trackers uses PPG method or in laymen term shine greenlight on your skin to find out the BPM of your heart. It is also one of the reason why you shouldn’t put your Fitbit right above the tattooed area of your body. Since that can act as a hurdle between the skin and the Fitbit tracker which could – not always – but could skew results.

But What Makes Ankle Not Perfect Place For Fitbit?

However, there is another side of the story too and you should know about it. Given that most of the time our ankle is hidden behind the pant or trouser wearing your Fitbit around one can cut you off from the other Fitbit features. You couldn’t even see your progress or battery level of your tracker. Anytime you will want to check up on stats your only two option would be to either refer to mobile app or take out your Fitbit from the ankle.

Another thing that should be noted here is putting Fitbit around ankle can also overworked the data collection procedure. Since while running our ankles are in constant state of motion – more so then wrist – your Fitbit can be led to believe exaggerated averages.

Fitbit Requires Skin Contact

Like we talked about it in passing above every Fitbit tracker requires some sort of skin contact. You can’t provide it, your Fitbit will not be able to give you results, or good enough results. The reason why it is the case is important to understand here: All Fitbit trackers are engineered in a manner that their whole output is based on input they can collect from our body. So if for some reason that cannot happen you shouldn’t expect your Fitbit to give you accurate results and it makes sense why.

Fitbit Requires Skin Contact

For any sensory device (it could be anything from something as small as smartwatch to big machines used in power stations) the efficiency of system depends on how well they can take the readings from environment. As well as how can they deal with outside interference.

In the case of Fitbit when you have it around your wrists there are many external factors that can skew the results, and this problem doesn’t fade away when you place your tracker on ankle but it does get mitigated. The reason for which is because ankle provides much stable base for a tracker to work around. Not to mention a normal person is more likely to move their hand 10 times in an hour than their ankle.

There Is Difference Between Fitbit Trackers & Fitbit Smartwatch

Yet I still believe that ankle is a good starting point to test the accuracy of a device. Especially if it’s a band which most Fitbit were used to when began to come out back in 2010. Because unlike smartwatches bands are niche products that are only made to serve one purpose and that purpose live and die with data tracking.

Difference Between Fitbit Trackers & Fitbit Smartwatch

On the other hand something like Fitbit Versa 4 will be wasted at the ankle because it is not just for fitness tracking, it can do much more than that. It can be used for calls, texts, apps, and whatnot. So, hiding it behind your pant is not the wise decision.

Make Your Decision With Everything In Mind!

In the end where and how you choose to wear your Fitbit is ultimately your decision. For sure it can and it will be influenced by many different aspects, if you want to enjoy the complete experience of owning a Fitbit tracker then we will suggest that you keep it simple and you keep it on the wrist. Because as far elegance and simplicity is concerned it doesn’t get better than those two.

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Ezhan Javed

CMO At Chronoat

“What am I if not the words I write?” is something I’ve asked myself quite often. So, I feel it is my duty being CMO at Chronoat to not only write to inform but inspire.

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Smartwatches like Apple Watch Series 9 and Fitbit Sense 2 can be used to track changes in oxygen level in your blood. Even when you are sleeping!!!

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Smartwatches like Apple Watch Series 9 and Fitbit Sense 2 can be used to track changes in oxygen level in your blood.

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