
How Do You Know When Someone Stops Sharing Their Location On iPhone?

How Do You Know When Someone Stops Sharing Their Location On iPhone

If you live in an area where you don't feel safe then sharing location with your family members is pretty good way to let them know of your whereabouts. Speaking from my own experience anytime I have to spent months in Karachi at my parent's home (not the safest city in the world) I make sure to have my location shared with those close to me.

However, many times I've been asked that did you stopped sharing it with us, we couldn't see it. My mom specially, she is quite paranoid. So, if you are like me or if your mother is like my mother then please keep going and read how you can tell when and if someone stopped sharing their location with you on their iPhone.

Table of Contents

Information You're Finding!

To find out if someone stopped sharing their location with you on iPhone open the Find My application and head to People tab. If you see message 'Can see your location,' then it means that they have stopped sharing their location.

Open The Find My Application

Your first action should be to head to the Find My application. This is where everything is going on and this is where you will find your answer if your friend really did stop sharing their location. Keep in mind that in order to see the location of someone you should’ve their permission in first place, so if you don’t have that don’t bother reading it and skip ahead.

Check The People Tab

Once you will be in the Find My application head to the People tab and you can see who is sharing location with you and who is seeing your location. If it’s someone in particular you are concerned about we’d suggest to click on their picture (assuming you’d set it that way). If their location loads up then you have nothing to worry about, you can see their location and everything is going fine.

However, if you can’t and you see a message like “Can See Your Location” or anything like that then it does mean that they’ve stopped sharing the location. Otherwise you would’ve seen their current location.

Ask For Their Permission To View Their Location

In case that someone really did stop sharing their location with you on their iPhone then you have two options that you can pursue:

  • Stop sharing your location with them, be petty.
  • Ask them about it and surely they will get back to you.

If you are going for second choice your iPhone will send them a notification with request to grant you access to see their location. Now ball is in their court if they accept that then we are all good, if they don’t then we’d suggest that you go for the petty option.

iPhone Will Not Tell You When They Will Stop Sharing!

If you are wondering your iPhone will alert you about them stopping to share their location, then let me make this very clear: it won’t. Although, in case they block you then on iMessage you might a message like this: “XYZ stopped sharing their location with you.” Or if they stop sharing the location from iMessage then yes you will get to know too.

The same principal applies to gadgets too, if you lose the location of their device like Apple Watch or iPad then that can also mean they’ve stopped. Although, in many cases it is also because the device has ran out of battery, so keep an open mind.

Revoke Their Access To See Your Location!

As we discussed above you can also choose to stop sharing you location with this another person. All you would’ve to do is go to People tab and click on their profile and choose to stop sharing your location with them. This activity won’t alert them but next time they will try to see your location from iMessage they won’t be able to see it.

Another good point to note here is that many times the reason you’re not seeing the location of someone is because of no connection or weak connection. Keep in mind that to share and see the shared location you must have the Wi-Fi just the same way that another person has the Wi-Fi on their iPhone.

Use Both iMessage & Find My Application

However, if it is first time you are gonna share your location with someone using the iPhone it is very easy. You can even do it from the iMessage itself. Open the texting application, click on the profile picture and you will see the option to either ‘Send your current location‘ or ‘Share your location for time period.’

If you will opt for the indefinite option then that person can see your location. If you will opt for certain time period then after that time they will lose the access to your location. You can also do the same from People tab in Find My application but we suggest that it is easy to do so from iMessage. Needless to say a perfect texting application if you live with people who only have the iPhones.

Frequently Asked Questions

Not explicitly. But you can see from iMessage if they will.

They would’ve stopped sharing, or they might have weak connection.

It could mean they have weak connection.

Probably Wi-Fi issue on their end.

Ezhan Javed

CMO At Chronoat

“What am I if not the words I write?” is something I’ve asked myself quite often. So, I feel it is my duty being CMO at Chronoat to not only write to inform but inspire.

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